
St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Home Learning

In these very challenging times we are all doing our utmost to ensure that children maintain some consistency in their lives – which have just been thrown into turmoil. At St Mary’s we have adopted a range of home learning opportunities to guide and support the needs of our children. Key Stage 2 are tackling the world of virtual teaching – new to our staff too. Key Stage 1 have home learning packs and access to a range of web links on the class blog, covering many subjects. Next week they are also, if they wish, going to go virtual so that they can see each other and keep in touch with their teacher.


Foundation Stage have some great packs and over the next few weeks their teacher will be sending out further home learning opportunities for them to use.


All classes are sharing their work with the teacher through a new communication system that we have set up. You can view some of the work on our twitter site @BitteswellPrim


It is important to remember that the children will be learning different skills whilst learning at home which will undoubtedly stand them in good stead for their return.


Over the next few days we will be sending out links to support areas in PSHE, emotional and communication to help children further develop their understanding of the situation and refine the all important skills needed for learning in new situations.


We thank you for your support in these unprecedented times – we will all be part of history that will be spoken of for years to come. Mrs Maher.
