Please find below details of the considerations made as the school has moved quickly to facilitate distance learning at home during this exceptional period.
- The school has taken on board guidance from the UK Safer Internet Centre on safe remote learning and guidance for safer working practice from the Safer Recruitment Consortium. We have reviewed the code of conduct and information sharing policy accordingly
- Staff have discussed the risk that professional boundaries could slip during this exceptional period and been reminded of the school’s code of conduct and importance of using school systems to communicate with children and their families.
- Staff have read the 20 safeguarding considerations for livestreaming prior to delivering any live-streamed sessions
- Staff and children must wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household.
- The live class should be recorded so that if any issues were to arise, the
can be reviewed. - Live classes should be kept to a reasonable length of time, or the streaming may prevent the family ‘getting on’ with their day.
- Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family
members in the background. - Staff should record, the length, time, date and attendance of any sessions held.
- Children and young people accessing remote learning receive guidance on keeping safe online and know how to raise concerns with the school, Childline, the UK Safer Internet Centre and CEOP.
- Parents and carers have over time received information about keeping children safe online with peers, the school, other education offers they may access and the wider internet community. We have set out the school’s approach, including the sites children will be asked to access and set out who from the school (if anyone) their child is going to be interacting with online. Parents have been reminded of the following links via the school website:
Internet matters – for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Net-aware – for support for parents and careers from the NSPCC
Parent info – for support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online
Thinkuknow – for advice from the National Crime Agency to stay safe online
UK Safer Internet Centre – advice for parents and carers